Alan Leland was born in 1950, age 74. Alan Leland's address is 6325 Kinard Road , Durham, NC 27703. Possible relatives include Michele Lela, Annelies Leland and 1 others. Alan's latest phone number is (919) 596-5628. Previous phone numbers include (919) 833-1457. The latest email address for Alan Leland is cla****
Alan Leland's current address is 17 Indian Hill Road , Winchester, MA 01890.
Alan's home address is 14 Heather Drive , Reading, MA 01867. Latest phone numbers include (781) 258-5094 and (781) 944-5854.
Alan Leland's address is: 90 Furman Street , Brooklyn, NY 11201. Address history includes Brooklyn and New York. Some of Alan Leland's relatives are Lori Briere, Alan Leland and others. The phone number we have for Alan is (646) 398-9874. Alan Leland's email address is lel****
Alan Leland was born in 1952, age 72. Alan Leland's address is 14 Heather Drive , Reading, MA 01867. Possible relatives include Lori Briere, Alan Leland and 3 others. Public records show Alan has also lived in Natick, MA and Westwood, MA. Alan's latest phone number is (646) 398-9874. Previous phone numbers include (781) 944-5854.
Alan Leland's current address is 3333 Ne 34th Street Apt 1412a, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308. Alan's age is 90 years old (1934). Phone numbers associated with Alan are (313) 982-1999 and (407) 338-8776. Alan has also lived in Boca Raton, FL and Deerfield Beach, FL.
Alan Leland's birthday is 03/02/1925, and is 99 years old. Associates and relatives include Maria Lehand, Anne Leland and others. Latest phone numbers include (360) 426-5263 and (805) 384-8481.
Alan Leland's address is: 4805 Willamette Drive , Vancouver, WA 98661. Address history includes Vancouver. Some of Alan Leland's relatives are Jim Leland, Joseph Leland and others. The phone number we have for Alan is (360) 695-2038. Alan Leland's email address is fat****
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